Boubou Thiam Niang Ph.D. thesis defense : “A Model-Driven Engineering and Software Product Line Approach to Support  Interoperability in Evolving Systems of Information Systems”

Thesis orals illustration.

Tuesday 28th of March at 10h a.m. Paris time, Boubou Thiam Niang, Ph.D. Candidate will defend his thesis named “A Model-Driven Engineering and Software Product Line Approach to Support  Interoperability in Evolving Systems of Information Systems”. His thesis defense will take place at the conference room of the Faculty “IUT Lumière Lyon 2” in Bron, France. Take a look at the summary below :

Modern information systems require seamless communication and coordination. Interoperability mechanisms are often developed manually and lack reusability because they are intertwined with the business logic constituents of the systems. The mix of interoperability mechanisms and business logic components can lead to maintenance difficulties, and any changes may affect the overall operation of the system. As a result, organizations encounter challenges in adapting to frequent changes and collaborating with diverse partners.

Berger-Levrault specializes in providing software solutions for public institutions that require interoperability to adapt to local sector reforms. The company accommodates its growth through acquisitions and needs to modernize its software over time. As a result, it offers a diverse range of modern and legacy software. The purpose of this thesis is to propose a solution that facilitates interoperability between software and systems with constantly evolving specifications. This solution addresses challenges such as evolving rules, variable data volumes, and technologies changes.

This thesis explores the reification of interoperability mechanisms through reverse engineering. The process involves extracting interoperability mechanisms from business logic, resulting in tangible constituents within the system known as connectors. The CoReif metamodel is proposed to enhance the tangible nature of the connector. The completeness and extensibility of the CoReif metamodel are validated by two methodologies. The thesis presents the ConPL framework for developing connectors using Software Product Line Engineering. An industrial case study validates the framework, covering all steps from domain modeling to code generation. Additionally, the thesis introduces the PhaDOP development tool, which addresses the technological challenges of implementing software product lines using the Delta-Oriented Programming paradigm.

The defense will also be broadcasted online, link: / Meeting ID: 91798943100 / Passcode: cEM3K2I5dXM3VXBRSS90UGtZV2JMdz09

The jury will be composed of:


  • Mme. Christelle Urtado, Professeure, IMT Mines Alès, Rapporteur
  • M. Abdelhak-Djamel Seriai, Maître de conférences, HDR, Université de Montpellier, Rapporteur
  • Mme. Amel Bennaceur , Director of Research, Associate Professor in Computing, The Open University, Examiner
  • Mme. Jessie Galasso-Carbonnel, Professeur adjointe, McGill University, Examiner
  • M. Christophe Danjou, Professeur, Polytechnique Montréal, Examiner


  • M. Jannik Laval, Senior lecturer, HDR, Université Lumière Lyon 2, Thesis Director
  • M. Giacomo Kahn, Senior lecturer, Université Lumière Lyon 2, Co-thesis Director
  • M. Yacine Ouzrout, Profesor, Université Lumière Lyon 2, Co-thesis Director
  • M. Christope Bortolaso, Head of Research, Berger-Levrault, Guest

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