Information systems of moderns companies need to easily establish fluid communication with third-part information system. For that, connectors are used to create interactions between the information system components. Though, systems are conceived independently, with different technical and domain requirements which are in constant evolution.
Generally, connectors are manually developed and aren’t reusable, so any interoperability rules change can impact the whole code on its development, testing and implementation. If the connectors are integrated in the business code, instead to be considered as an individual component of the system, it increases the impact. That’s why development and connectors evolution become a tedious and long work.
Thursday 2nd of December, a part of our team went to the Velocity Software Group of Work Day (Journée du groupe de travail vélocité logiciel) of GDR GPL in Paris to present an approach to automatically generate a part of interoperability connectors and make the development easier. To do so, connectors are created as independent connectors and implement communication rules.