The digital transformation does not only concern the private sector, even though it’s frequently described as more innovative. From computerisation of public administration in the 60’ to the latest applications of artificial intelligence by territorial authorities, public action seems more and more digitalised (and still “in digitalisation”). Therefore, this public action in practice resulting in local public services have tangibly changed a lot. Digitalisation seems to have empowered public sector. The missions undertaken by the local authorities have been upgraded and the people participate more and more to the public service and the process of decision making.
Legally, do these digitalized local public services have to respect new obligations? How do we draw a line between public and private responsibility when public services are constantly using private digital platforms? What boundaries for public services? What legitimacy?
As this subject is directly related to the matters of public sector transformation and digital revolution, I’m working closely with the Horizons publics’ team; publishing a chronicle every two months in the magazine