We are very glad to announce that Nihed Bendahman joins the DRIT team of Berger-Levrault to start her Ph.D Thesis (CIFRE). Nihed will work on Natural Language Processing, she’ll contribute to NLP team work with the main objective to produce multi-document summary system.
Her thesis topic entitled: “Dynamic information synthesis for monitoring automation applied to business area” will be co-directed by researchers Karen Pinel-Sauvagnat and Gilles Hubert based at IRIT in Toulouse.
Welcome Nihed and good luck for the next three years.

Nihed did the DECOL master degree in Montpellier. This master degree focus on data, knowledge and NLP. It allowed Nihed to get a solid background in NLP and knowledge management through different projects (fact-checking, information classification, clustering, etc.).
She did her end of study internship in a start-up called Emvista (in Montpellier) where she worked on entity extraction in email signatures.