We are very glad to announce that Ph.D. Valérie Michel-Pellegrino and Ph.D Romain Liron from Medialis is joining our team.
Since less than a year, the Medialis company joined Berger-Levrault to be integrated to the Social-Health product line. Medialis created the Mediateam solution to accompany the life-long pathway of people in difficulty through the unique user file management (health structures and services coordination). In addition, Medialis exels at design and evaluation of strategies, policies, services and technologies to assist people in difficulty. This offer is based on an expertise and a scientific method (supported by research) as well as a LivingLab (service platform – digital device evaluation center).
The convergence between this work and BL Research team projects research and innovation activities on user-centered design methods, as well as our research projects in the field of health and human and social sciences.
In this context, I am very glad to announce the new attachment of this pole to the DRIT!

Valérie Michel-Pellegrino is doctor in Biology, specialized in biomechanics and movement analysis. Since 15 years, she has been leading evaluations of innovative devices to the autonomy of frail people, first within the APHP and then within Medialis over the last 8 years. She manages the Living Lab and its research and innovation activities. She has developed an important methodological know-how in ecological evaluation. She continues to support Mediateam product teams in pushing business innovations. Within the DRIT, she will participate in the development of our research and innovation projects to people be losing autonomy (SenseLife, social robotics, life course) as well as the development of the Living Lab.

Romain Liron is doctor in Cognitive Engineering and Ergonomics. He joined Medialis in June this year. Romain accompanies Valérie in the Living Lab work (evaluation protocol for digital devices, project set-up) and will explore research areas on digital and social Nudge as well as user engagement methods to facilitate data collection (co-design and evaluation of digital devices).