PFIA for Plate-Forme Intelligence Artificielle (Artificial Intelligence Platform) is a yearly event dedicated to Artificial Intelligence (AI). It’s a great opportunity for the AI french community from all discipline to meet and link their field of application by sharing their problematics and perspectives.
At this year’s edition, Berger-Levrault will be well represented. Three scientific articles from our Ph.D students got accepted:
- Kevin Ducharlet will introduce his article about the state of the art of AI methods to detect anomalies in data flows;
- Younes Zegaoui will share his major contribution from his thesis work: developing an original neuronal network architecture in a cloud of points to detect urban objects;
- Hamza Safri will present a federated learning platform for IoT to show on one hand how it can help to adapt federated learning to IoT’s architecture and on the other hand to manage actors of the process and orchestrate collaboratives tasks.
Dr. Mehdi Kandi got a publication accepted too. In it, he presents a method to automatically collect, stock and process data from unstructured documents using a trained model.
Finally, Dr. Mokhtar Billami will present our research advances about AI and Natural Language Processing (NLP) during the APIA conference held by PFIA.
This year, Berger-Levrault’s contribution shows how AI is used in several fields of application. To show our support, we sponsored the event back in January as we explained in this article.