Tag: City Systemic

Berger-Levrault and CNRS sign a strategic partnership
Christophe Bortolaso
November 10, 2022
We have been working for many years with the CNRS. Dozens of CIFRE theses and collaboration contracts have enabled us

Round table – Smart and sustainable cities
Christophe Bortolaso
October 20, 2022
October 10th, at Maison Irène et Frédéric Joliot-Curie (Brussels – Belgium) Christophe is going to participe to a round-table discussion,

3D and Geospatial webinar – Urban Data, services and visualizations
Clement Colin
July 7, 2022

BL.Conecta, the future kernel of city’s intermediation platforms?
Gaëlle Baudry
February 4, 2022
Context Since few years, we observe the rise of intermediation platforms and web services consumption used through these multitude of

Understanding the complexity of the city
Houssem Eddine Saidi
November 13, 2020
The systemic project of the city aims to structure the various key concepts which reflect the complexity of the object