Marion Olivier

Tiago in elderly home illustration

Meet Tiago : The future elderly’s best friend

Since August and this article explaining the context and the methodology, our team has used to co-design a social mobile robot with healthcare professional; Tiago has grown up.He has been designed to help and entertain elderly people but also to support caregivers in health services and institutions (EHPAD, day care, rehabilitation center, SSIAD, SSAD).Studying the

Meet Tiago : The future elderly’s best friend Read More »

Project illustration

Combining cultural probes and interviews with caregivers to co-design a social mobile robotic solution

Demographic changes go together with an increase in the number of older adults whose life expectancy is higher than in previous years. An increase in age is often correlated with the presence of chronic diseases or polypathologies affecting autonomy. When the autonomy of the elderly person deteriorates, medical prescription allows access to health services and

Combining cultural probes and interviews with caregivers to co-design a social mobile robotic solution Read More »

🇫🇷 L’illectronisme, un handicap majeur dans une société de plus en plus digitalisée

Le terme « illectronisme » est un néologisme transposant le problème d’illettrisme dans le domaine de l’information électronique. On peut le définir comme un manque de connaissances clés nécessaires à l’utilisation des ressources électroniques. On parle aussi d’illettrisme numérique, ce qui met bien en avant les difficultés de lecture des ressources numériques. Il est important

🇫🇷 L’illectronisme, un handicap majeur dans une société de plus en plus digitalisée Read More »

A Mobile Social Robot as a tool for Nursing Homes

Over the centuries, scientific advances in medicine, pharmacology, and various surgeries have allowed the population to age healthier for longer. Our life expectancy in France has therefore now reached the age of 85.6 for women and 79.7 for men (Papon et al., 2020). This increase in life expectancy suggests an increase in the aging population

A Mobile Social Robot as a tool for Nursing Homes Read More »

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